Our Fine Art Print paper include many brands, such as Awagami, ILFORD, PICTRAN, PICTORICO, EPSON, CANSON et.c. Paper types include Fine Art Baryta, Fine Art Cotton, Japanese Washi, Canvas, ProPhoto paper and more. 

We offer many framing styles include the Classic Passe-partout frame, Floater box frame, Perspex Reverse / Face mount, Dibond, Washi wrap and Canvas gallery wrap. 

If you are looking for something simple and elegance, the new ILFOCHROME metal print frame might be an excellent choice for you. You can even add the famous ILFORD GALERIE Frame shadow gap style to go with your ILFORCHROME metal print.

Customers’ Testimonials

Rosanne Wong

It’s a beautiful work. Your men were on time, professional and efficient. Thank you.…

Mie Meyer

Very satisfied with your work! You know the right response makes me comfortable and peace.

Alex Grioni

Excellent job! I checked the print last night when I handed it over to the recipient. Good quality. I am very satisfied!

Let us know your needs….

Others REviews

Craftses Studio
March 7, 2023
Anindam Choudhury
March 31, 2022
October 10, 2021
Oscar Li
September 26, 2021
81 Posts

SpectrArt HK Fine Art Print

A Print Maker and Framer. Professional FineArt Printer in Hong Kong, helps artist to select best media and frames for their art piece

#photoexhibition #cathaycameraclub #spectrart #ptpd #alternativephotography #gicleefineprint
#platinumpalladiumprints #ptpd #alternativephotography

工作坊日期:2023 年 8 月 19 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
Our latest Platinum Print Making Workshop will be held on Saturday, Aug 19, 2023. You are welcome to sign up to join us if you are interested to make your own Platinum/Palladium Print.
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
鉑金/鈀金相片印在 300gsm 純棉紙上。 用 mask 遮蓋了畫筆筆觸。
Platinum/Palladium print on 300gsm cotton paper. This print is masked out the brush strokes to reduce or remove destraction during the print appreiciation. 
#PTPD #hkfap #spectrart #platinumpalladiumprint #alternativephotographicproce  #platinumpalladiumprintsworkshop #digitalnegative
Get ready for today 
#ptpd #platinumpalladiumprintsworkshop #spectrart #hkfap #alternativephotographicprocesses
多謝 Bobby Lee Global Exposures 許可借用他在加拿大參觀位於 Milton 的 Halton County Radial Railway Museum 時見到的古董電車 Street Car 相片來製作兩張 Cyanotype 相片。其中一張更用上了 Matcha 加入 toning 效果!略帶 selenium 味道!除了主角電車外,正如 Bobby 所説,前、中、後的這麼多層次的樹葉,也為製作數碼底片時也增加了不少困難和挑戰!
也跟一下 Bobby 説,如果大家如果喜歡這個 Post,請 分享 Share 呀!謝謝!

#bobbylee #hkfap #Spectrart #printmakingworkshop #alternativephotography #製作數碼底片 #繼續練習 #紀錄與藝術 #一線之差 #一念之差
Another type of alternative photography process. Cyanotype print on 300 gsm water color paper.

#cyanotypeprint #hkfap #alternativephotographyprocess

工作坊日期:2023 年 7 月 22 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
Our latest Platinum Print Making Workshop will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2023. You are welcome to sign up to join us if you are interested to make your own Platinum/Palladium Print.
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Our lastest Platinum Palladium print on Awagami Gampi handmade washi, T-hinge mounting on acid free mat. The gampi hand made washi is 30gsm and has subtle shimmring finishing. It is one of the strongest washi Awagami Factory produced for Platinum print making.

#platinumpalladiumprint #alternativephotography #8x10washi #gampishi #handmadewashi #1000yearsprint Awagami Factory
Today Platinum Palladium Print Making workshop is about to start....
#PTPD #platinumprintworkshop #HKFAP #spectrart #alternativephotography
This workshop is on! Our Platinum Photo Production Workshop on Saturday, May 6, 2023 took place as scheduled. There are still seat left, you are welcome to sign up if you are interested. Those already signed up, see you on May 6th Saturday!
!! This time the workshop is BILINGUAL (English + Chinese)!!

我們於2023年5月6日星期六舉辦的鉑金相片製作工作坊如期舉行。現餘下少量名額,請有興趣的朋友抓緊時間報名。已經報名的朋友,5月6日週六 workshop 見!
研討會日期:2023 年 5 月 6 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
我們的鉑金相片製作工作坊於2023年5月6日星期六再次舉辦。跟以往一樣相同名額僅限4位,請 有興趣的朋友抓緊時間報名。
研討會日期:2023 年 5 月 6 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
完成一張屬於自己的 8 x 10”鉑金相片。
每工作坊人數最多 4 人,如果報名參加者少於 2 人,工作坊將會取消,已報名參加者將順延到下一個足夠 2 人(或以上) 的工作坊舉辦日期。
主要語言為廣東話。參加者須準備自己的數碼影像,預先上載用於製作 ~ 6.5 x 8.5”以內數碼底片。
#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
We have contact printed the the “Ink Separation” chart we created few days ago. This approach is to find out which ink actually able to block UV light the most.  Remember one of the factors contribute to UV blocking is the color of the ink. In this series we choose K7 (including Black, shade 2 to 7) ink set for our digital negative creation, then we have mulitple gray inks for better tone transistion on the negative. Of course we could have used the original equipment manufacturer’s color inks but we prefer to have more than 3 gray inks to use. 

It is very easily to see the Black ink block UV light the most, and the next is Shade 2 and so on. The Shade 7 seems not blocking any UV light and we can simply disable in later in the QTR ink descriptor file.  In this image we put them in order for easy understand. 

The next step we will do some measurement. You might think this chart we just contact printed will be used for measurement, but this is not.  We will need to go back to measure the digital negative. If you are interested to see, stay tuned to find out more in our next post.

#digitalnegative #uvblocking #K6 #alternativephotographyprocesse #contactprint #Quadtonerip #inkseparation #PTPD
Ink's ability to block UV light is crucial for creating high-quality digital negatives in alternative photographic printing processes such as cyanotype, platinum/palladium, and gum bichromate printing. If the ink does not block UV light effectively, the digital negative will not accurately represent the original image, resulting in a poor-quality print.

Ditgital Negative require accurate calibration for different paper, or change to new ink sets.  If you are interested to know more, stay tuned and we are going to illustrate the steps required to make high quality digital negative for alternative photography print making process. 

The first step is to print ink separation file to the negative, wait it dry overnight and prepare for the next steps: test strip exposure to find out which in block UV light the most.

#digitalnegative #uvblocking #K6 #alternativephotographyprocesse
A great tool gives you softproofing options
3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K, 95 CRI value
#softproofing #touchcontrol #CRI #colormanagement
Few friend asked if there would be a platinum photo production workshop in December this year. Now we can say YES! We have decided to add one workshop before the end of 2022. This will be the last Platinum Print Making workshop this year. If you have time to join please sign up before too late, the number of seats are limited to 4 people.

之前有朋友問12月份會不會有鉑金相片製作工作坊,我們決定在2022年底前增加一個工作坊,這將是今年最後一個鉑金相片製作工作坊。 請抓緊時間報名,名額僅限4位。
研討會日期:2022 年 12 月 3 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Leaving brush stroke or not when making Platinum Print is always a personal choice. Most of the artists are preferred leaving the brush stokes around the photo at first. 
By doing this the coating brush add some characteristic to the print. However, some say heavy brush stoke will distract people eyes during the appreciation, and will choose masked out the edge before coating. Recently we have tried an alternative approach when doing coating, make the coating area slightly smaller than the negative. We still can see the brush stroke characteristic with the image, but you have the option to eliminate the bold border.

製作 Platinum Print 時是否留下筆觸始終是個人選擇。 大多數攝影師和藝術家在起初接觸製作鉑金相片時都喜歡首先在照片周圍留下筆觸。
通過這樣做,留下筆觸會為相片添加了一些特性。 不過也有些人說過重筆觸會在欣賞相片過程中分散人們的視線,所以會在手塗感光塗層前選擇遮蔽邊緣。
最近我們在手塗感光塗層時嘗試了另一種方法,使coatig 面積略小於數碼㡳片面積。 我們仍然可以看到圖像的筆觸特徵,但您可以消除重筆觸邊框。你又喜歡那種方式?

#PTPD #alternativephotography #platinumprintmaking #platinumpalladiumprints #hkfap
You may have heard or already known that the first platinum/palladium print was made in the 1860s. For over 100 years, photographers are still captivated by its distinctive blacks and stunning dynamic range. With advances in technology and chemistry, digital photography allows us to use almost any image to create platinum photographs.

We will be hosting our next Platinum/Palladium Print Making Workshop on November 5th. In addition to learning to hand-coated and making your own platinum palladium print, we'll also give digital negative introduction. All chemicals and supplies are included in the workshop fee. This is a great opportunity to learn how to make beautiful platinum/palladium print by hand-coating photosensitive materials.

After completing the workshop, participants will be able to:
Learn about the benefits of Platinum Palladium prints;
Understand the materials and steps required for production;
Master the hand coating skills of photosensitive materials;
Use of Digital Negative;
Precautions for exposure;
Experience the print making workflow.
Understand what it takes to make a good quality PT/PD print
Make their own Platinum / Palladium Print.

The maximum number of participants per workshop is 4. If the number of registered participants is less than 2, the workshop will be cancelled, and the registered participants will be postponed to the next workshop date with sufficient 2 (or more) participants.
The main language is Cantonese. Participants are required to prepare their own digital images, pre-uploaded for making digital negatives up to ~7 x 9”.

Enrolment Link for English

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Preparing PtPd Print Making Workshop for tomorrow. Almost ready! Do you want to join us?


#platinumpalladiumprints #printmakingworkshop #HKFAP #alternativephotography
Piezography 打印使用 7 種不同色調的 monochrome 墨水。 打印的黑白圖像在高光區域和陰影區域之間提供了出色的色調過渡。
它是唯一能夠打印數万級灰度的系統,使其成為 16 位原攝影的完美工具
我們在 SpectrArt HKFAP 提供Piezography Fine Art Printing 服務。

Piezography prints use 7 different shades of monochrome inks. The printed B/W image provides exceptional tone transition between highlight to shadow areas. 
It is the only system capable of printing tens of thousands of grey levels making it a perfect accompany to 16 bit raw photography.
We offer Piezography Fine Art Printing here at SpectrArt HKFAP.

#piezography #hkfap #monochromeprints #fineartprinting #seleniumtone
We have received a request to translate the leaflet in English for easy reading, and here we did. In fact, we have run Print Making workshop in English or Bilingual before. If you are interested please let us know.

Platinum Palladium Print Making
If there was ever a form of photograph that gives you that true artistic feel, I will say it will be the Platinum/Palladium Prints. 

One might notice Platinum/Palladium (Pt/Pd) prints look soft compare to the other photographic materials. That is because the Pt/Pd coating does not sit on top of the paper or in a gel as we find with inkjet or other resin coated photographic paper. Since the photo sensitiser is hand coated, and the sensitiser will soak into the paper allowing the metals to remain in place when the excess coating is washed away.
This also makes Pt/Pd the most archival print we know of today. As long as the paper is well kept, images themselves will last. Talking only about the Pt/Pd photos made on paper, prints that were made in the 1870’s are still available today.

Just in case, this is the enrolment link for English

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #platinumpalladiumprints
New Platinum/Palladium Print Workshop

如果有一種印相形式能給您帶來真正的藝術感,那麼鉑金/鈀金就是它了。 鉑/鈀相片在 1870 年代中期獲得了專利,並且從未消失。 它提供的圖像外觀柔和、多維,在準確曝光控制下,根據所用紙張特性,您將在最終產品中獲得漂亮的棕色至灰色之獨有色調。

鉑/鈀 (Pt/Pd)相片外觀柔和的原因之一,是感光藥塗層不會像我們在噴墨或其他形式的印刷中發現的那樣位於紙的表面或樹脂塗層中。 由於使用的紙張的纖維結構,因此當多餘的感光材料被沖走時,感光材料塗層會滲入紙基,從而使金屬保持在原位。

這也使 Pt/Pd 相片成為我們今天所知道最持久保留影像的印相技術。 只要紙張得到照顧作永久保存,影像本身就會持續存在。1870 年代製作的相片今天仍然可找到。




完成一張屬於自己的 8 x10”鉑金相片。

每工作坊人數最多 4 人,如果報名參加者少於 2 人,工作坊將會取消,已報名參加者將順延到下一個足夠 2 人(或以上) 的工作坊舉辦日期。
主要語言為廣東話。參加者須準備自己的數碼影像,預先上載用於製作 ~ 7 x 9”以內數碼底片。



#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Acrylic box adds another level of protection for your artwork. You can use it for gallery wrap canvas, washi wrap, wood block or any 3D objects. It provides rigid and clear surface and provide extra protection of the artwork inside.

#arcrylicbox #fineartprint #gallerywrap #washiwrap #extraprotection #plexiglass #alternativeframe #HKFAP #spectrart
因疫情而時隔 9 個月後,我們將在 9 月再次舉辦鉑金/鈀金印刷相片制作工作坊!
- 了解鉑金影像的優點;
- 認識製作所需的物料和步驟;
- 掌握感光材料手塗技巧;
- 數碼㡳片壓印方法及重點;
- 暴光所需注意事項;
- 完成一張屬於自己的 8 x10”鉑金相片。
日期:2022 年 9 月 3 日
時間:下午 3:00 - 5:30
是次工作坊為最多 4 人,工作坊名額有限,敬希有興趣參加的朋友盡早報名。! 🔥
我們偶爾會遇到這個問題……我的 iPhone 照片可以打印的最大尺寸是多少? 今天另一位客戶問同樣的問題。 你是否也想知道這個問題的答案。 我們藉此機會今天更新這篇文章。
We got this question once in a while... what is the largest print my iPhone photo can make? and today another customer asking the same question. Have you ever also wanted to know the answer to this. We take this opportunity give this post an update today.
#iphone13 #fineartprint #largestprint #photoprint #Pixelperinch #ppi #resolution #iphonecamera #mirrorless #DSLR
Now easy to decorate your home and instant save up to 20%. We have selected 6 different types of framing styles for you. Register to sign up as user to unlock the feature.  Follow our easy step by step get instant quote and order online.

#fineart #artprint #affordable #luxury #homedeco #luxuryframe #orderonline
Mother's Day is on May 8th this year and you're ready?
This year we have something special ready to help you to create an amazing gift for moms, grandmas or anyone like a mom (perphas you are the one too!)
#mothersdaygifts #2022mothersday #studioframe #mothersphoto #fineartprints #ILFORDfineartpaper #archivalpigmentprint #woodenpictureframe #gicleeprint
A beautiful piece of art can change people’s lives. We love art and so do you, join us to celebrate Easter with our bigger discount ever.

We are excited to offer a 30% discount on a print + frame bundle for Easter Holiday. Acid-free archival matboard included. This is a limited time offer, so don't wait! 

#fineartprints #ILFORDgalerie #fineartbaryta #fineartcotton #washitorinoko #goldfibregloss #texturecottonrag #studoframe #blackclassicframe
#acidfreemat #passepartout #ArchivalPrint #museumgrade
真係唔好信下載的罐頭 ICC profile,就算係相同 printer model,相同紙張。真係信唔過! 始終都要要自己做。

Don't ever trust the canned ICC downloaded from website, even same printer, same paper used. Must create one by yourself!

#customprofile #colormanagement #ICCprofile #i1pro3plus #始終都要要自己做
Just 1 Neutral Grey version for all, just one!

Took different approach with QTR to print black and white photos. That will address the handicap of rigid ICC profile which need to go back and forth to edit the image, nor tweak in image dependent Advance B&W Printing control at driver level between warm and cool tones.

選用另一方法來打印黑白照片。 這將解決 ICC有欠靈活性及限制,避免了來回編輯圖像,也不需要在驅動程序的 Advance B&W Printing 改變在暖色調和冷色調灰調之間打印。

#fineartprint #fineart #photoprint #photo #blankandwhite #piezography
#HKFAP #pictran #largeformatprinting
#spectrart #cottonpaper #washi #japanesepaper #aijp #awagami #ilfordimaging #ilford 
#inkjetpaper #giclee #giclée #pigmentprint #archival
我們努力將工作坊分成更小的小組來完成。 從過程中我們發現每天都會學到新技巧。 準確數碼負片準備固然要緊,而平均感光塗層是獲得完美相片製作也是重要一環。 我們積累製作越多鉑金相片製作經驗,對紙張準備備和處理過程的控制就越多。 我們知道濕度控制是其中一個重要又不易掌握的部驟。 所以我們必須確保紙膠表面張有足夠水份潤濕,以使感光劑接收表面達到盡量地均勻。
We make efforts to
We make efforts to split the workshop into smaller groups to get them completed. We learn new tricks everyday. Although accurate calibrated digital negative is a must, and coating is also one of the most important steps to get a perfect print. The more we make Platinum and Palladium prints, the more control on the paper preparation and treatment process we manage. One thing we know for sure is the the moist surface control. The paper surface has to be treated well to obtain the best quality possible.
#platinumpalladiumprints #workshop #fineartprint #alternativephotographyprocess #printmakingworkshop
當藝術家第一次製作鉑金相片時,無酸棉紙是比較受歡迎的選擇。 纯棉相紙有幾個好處,紙比較重(~310gsm),大多數表面都經處理,使紙張在塗佈過程中更容易。 然而,一旦藝術家掌握了纯棉纸基鉑金相紙以獲得理想相片後,他們便會挑战使用日本和紙製作鉑金相片。 像大多數用於繪畫和版畫和紙。 Platinum Print使用的和紙比纯棉紙薄很多,一些可以薄至30gsm,是纯棉紙重量的1/10,由於纸基非常之薄,使到感光劑瞬間吸收,無法使用玻璃棒塗佈。 它需要花很長時間刷塗練習,才可以掌握逹到理想效果。 此鉑金相片使用 30 gsm 的 Awagami Gampi HM-5 製作成。 D-Max 約為 1.43。

When an artist first making Platinum Prints, the acid free cotton paper is the most popular choice. Cotton paper has several benefits, the paper is relatively heavy (~310gsm), most are sized to make the paper more easy to handle during coating. However, once the artist has mastered the cotton base platinum paper to obtain good prints. Often will take the challenge to the next lever with Japanese paper (Washi). Like most of the Washi for painting and wood blocking. The Washi for Platinum Print use is much thinner than cotton paper, it can be as thin as 30gsm which is 1/10 of cotton paper weight, and the sensitizer aborb by the paper instantly and make it impossible for using glass coating rod. It requires lot of practices with brush coating. This print is made with the 30gsm Awagami Gampi HM-5. D-Max at around 1.43.

#platinumpalladiumprint #fineartprint #alternativephotographyprocess #spectrart #hkfap
A Platinum Print can last for many many years.
This is a contact print made from an image taken by a medium format film camera. The uncropped image converted to digital negative for Platinum/Palladium contact printing. The black edge is the from the original negative and also printed to maintain the composition. 
#platinumpalladiumprint #alternativephotographicprocesses #mediumformat #digitalnegative #contactprinting #spectrart #platinumprint #passepartout #acidfreematboard
Platinum / Palladium print making at Spectrart HKFAP
#platinumpalladiumprints #alternativephotographicprocesses #printmakingworkshophk
#workshop #alternativephotography #platinumpalladiumprints
ILFOCHROME in square format available 
#newilfordchrome #shadowgap #ilfordgalerieframe #hkfap #ilfordimaging @ilfordimaging

We have selected our most popular Fine Art paper and classic frame options to create this "Affordable Luxury fine art" series for you. This article explains how we make it more affordable without compromise on our high quality standards.

我們選擇了最受歡迎的藝術紙和經典畫框,為您打造這個“Affordable Luxury”系列。 本文解釋了我們如何在不影響我們的高質量標準的情況下使其更實惠。

#fineareprint #affordableluxury #classicframes
#washi #bamboopaper #hkfap #spectrart 

This is an extremely high resolution printing, the special material makes Images glow in the dark
#backlitprints #backlighting #highresolution #backlitapplications #fineartprints #hkfap #spectrart
Peace of The Graveyard - a new photo exhibition from @lsb.co on view now until July 25th at @parallel_space_hk ….printed on @awagami #aijp inkjet #washi by #spectrart_hkfap
Welcome another artist to join our Limited Edition Program. Congratulations!
#lilford #limitededition #limitededitionprints #certificateauthenticity #hologrameseal
#fineartprints #goldfibregloss #gicléeprint #editionlibrary
Backlit film is so vibrant, stay tuned for our new application for fine art print 
#backlit #fineart #vibrantcolor
ILFOCHROME with GALERIE Frame Shadow Gap
#ilfochrome #ilfordgalerieframe #shadowgap #metalprint #spectrart #ilfordimaging 
Introduce ILFOCHROME with ILFORD GALERIE Frame. In additional to ILFOCHROME Metal print, now come with GALERIE Shadow Gap Frame and original box. Popular sizes like A4 and A3 are available to order online. 
ILFOCHROME Platinum Super Gloss metal photo panels have a unique coating that produce a highly durable photo print with scratch and water resistant surface, perfect for colour images that have vibrancy and depth.
Master Works, illustration art in Canvas Gallery Wrap
Wrap your Canvas with Gallery Wrap style
#canvasprints #ilfordimaging #glossvanish #matte #semimatte #canvasstretcherbars
#washiwrap #inkjetwashi #aijp #inkjetprint #hkfap #woodpaneling #kozothickwhite #和紙 #art #awagami
Washi wrap in floater frame #和紙アート #天然素材 #washiwrap #floaterframe #gallerywrap #inkjetwashi #aijp #inkjetprint #fineartprints #hkfap