Our Fine Art Print paper include many brands, such as Awagami, ILFORD, PICTRAN, PICTORICO, EPSON, CANSON et.c. Paper types include Fine Art Baryta, Fine Art Cotton, Japanese Washi, Canvas, ProPhoto paper and more. 

We offer many framing styles include the Classic Passe-partout frame, Floater box frame, Perspex Reverse / Face mount, Dibond, Washi wrap and Canvas gallery wrap. 

If you are looking for something simple and elegance, the new ILFOCHROME metal print frame might be an excellent choice for you. You can even add the famous ILFORD GALERIE Frame shadow gap style to go with your ILFORCHROME metal print.

Customers’ Testimonials

Rosanne Wong

It’s a beautiful work. Your men were on time, professional and efficient. Thank you.…

Mie Meyer

Very satisfied with your work! You know the right response makes me comfortable and peace.

Alex Grioni

Excellent job! I checked the print last night when I handed it over to the recipient. Good quality. I am very satisfied!

Let us know your needs….

Others REviews

Warning: Array to string conversion in /var/www/spectrart.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-social-reviews/app/Services/Platforms/PlatformErrorManager.php on line 293
Craftses Studio
March 7, 2023
Anindam Choudhury
March 31, 2022
October 10, 2021
Oscar Li
September 26, 2021
#photoexhibition #cathaycameraclub #spectrart #ptpd #alternativephotography #gicleefineprint
#platinumpalladiumprints #ptpd #alternativephotography

工作坊日期:2023 年 8 月 19 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
Our latest Platinum Print Making Workshop will be held on Saturday, Aug 19, 2023. You are welcome to sign up to join us if you are interested to make your own Platinum/Palladium Print.
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
鉑金/鈀金相片印在 300gsm 純棉紙上。 用 mask 遮蓋了畫筆筆觸。
Platinum/Palladium print on 300gsm cotton paper. This print is masked out the brush strokes to reduce or remove destraction during the print appreiciation. 
#PTPD #hkfap #spectrart #platinumpalladiumprint #alternativephotographicproce  #platinumpalladiumprintsworkshop #digitalnegative
Get ready for today 
#ptpd #platinumpalladiumprintsworkshop #spectrart #hkfap #alternativephotographicprocesses
多謝 Bobby Lee Global Exposures 許可借用他在加拿大參觀位於 Milton 的 Halton County Radial Railway Museum 時見到的古董電車 Street Car 相片來製作兩張 Cyanotype 相片。其中一張更用上了 Matcha 加入 toning 效果!略帶 selenium 味道!除了主角電車外,正如 Bobby 所説,前、中、後的這麼多層次的樹葉,也為製作數碼底片時也增加了不少困難和挑戰!
也跟一下 Bobby 説,如果大家如果喜歡這個 Post,請 分享 Share 呀!謝謝!

#bobbylee #hkfap #Spectrart #printmakingworkshop #alternativephotography #製作數碼底片 #繼續練習 #紀錄與藝術 #一線之差 #一念之差
Another type of alternative photography process. Cyanotype print on 300 gsm water color paper.

#cyanotypeprint #hkfap #alternativephotographyprocess

工作坊日期:2023 年 7 月 22 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
Our latest Platinum Print Making Workshop will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2023. You are welcome to sign up to join us if you are interested to make your own Platinum/Palladium Print.
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Our lastest Platinum Palladium print on Awagami Gampi handmade washi, T-hinge mounting on acid free mat. The gampi hand made washi is 30gsm and has subtle shimmring finishing. It is one of the strongest washi Awagami Factory produced for Platinum print making.

#platinumpalladiumprint #alternativephotography #8x10washi #gampishi #handmadewashi #1000yearsprint Awagami Factory
Today Platinum Palladium Print Making workshop is about to start....
#PTPD #platinumprintworkshop #HKFAP #spectrart #alternativephotography
This workshop is on! Our Platinum Photo Production Workshop on Saturday, May 6, 2023 took place as scheduled. There are still seat left, you are welcome to sign up if you are interested. Those already signed up, see you on May 6th Saturday!
!! This time the workshop is BILINGUAL (English + Chinese)!!

我們於2023年5月6日星期六舉辦的鉑金相片製作工作坊如期舉行。現餘下少量名額,請有興趣的朋友抓緊時間報名。已經報名的朋友,5月6日週六 workshop 見!
研討會日期:2023 年 5 月 6 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
English: https://bit.ly/3CjhZuO

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
我們的鉑金相片製作工作坊於2023年5月6日星期六再次舉辦。跟以往一樣相同名額僅限4位,請 有興趣的朋友抓緊時間報名。
研討會日期:2023 年 5 月 6 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00
地點:SPECTRART LIMITED 尖沙咀山林道9-11號,卓能中心1401室
完成一張屬於自己的 8 x 10”鉑金相片。
每工作坊人數最多 4 人,如果報名參加者少於 2 人,工作坊將會取消,已報名參加者將順延到下一個足夠 2 人(或以上) 的工作坊舉辦日期。
主要語言為廣東話。參加者須準備自己的數碼影像,預先上載用於製作 ~ 6.5 x 8.5”以內數碼底片。
#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
We have contact printed the the “Ink Separation” chart we created few days ago. This approach is to find out which ink actually able to block UV light the most.  Remember one of the factors contribute to UV blocking is the color of the ink. In this series we choose K7 (including Black, shade 2 to 7) ink set for our digital negative creation, then we have mulitple gray inks for better tone transistion on the negative. Of course we could have used the original equipment manufacturer’s color inks but we prefer to have more than 3 gray inks to use. 

It is very easily to see the Black ink block UV light the most, and the next is Shade 2 and so on. The Shade 7 seems not blocking any UV light and we can simply disable in later in the QTR ink descriptor file.  In this image we put them in order for easy understand. 

The next step we will do some measurement. You might think this chart we just contact printed will be used for measurement, but this is not.  We will need to go back to measure the digital negative. If you are interested to see, stay tuned to find out more in our next post.

#digitalnegative #uvblocking #K6 #alternativephotographyprocesse #contactprint #Quadtonerip #inkseparation #PTPD
Ink's ability to block UV light is crucial for creating high-quality digital negatives in alternative photographic printing processes such as cyanotype, platinum/palladium, and gum bichromate printing. If the ink does not block UV light effectively, the digital negative will not accurately represent the original image, resulting in a poor-quality print.

Ditgital Negative require accurate calibration for different paper, or change to new ink sets.  If you are interested to know more, stay tuned and we are going to illustrate the steps required to make high quality digital negative for alternative photography print making process. 

The first step is to print ink separation file to the negative, wait it dry overnight and prepare for the next steps: test strip exposure to find out which in block UV light the most.

#digitalnegative #uvblocking #K6 #alternativephotographyprocesse
A great tool gives you softproofing options
3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K, 95 CRI value
#softproofing #touchcontrol #CRI #colormanagement
Few friend asked if there would be a platinum photo production workshop in December this year. Now we can say YES! We have decided to add one workshop before the end of 2022. This will be the last Platinum Print Making workshop this year. If you have time to join please sign up before too late, the number of seats are limited to 4 people.

之前有朋友問12月份會不會有鉑金相片製作工作坊,我們決定在2022年底前增加一個工作坊,這將是今年最後一個鉑金相片製作工作坊。 請抓緊時間報名,名額僅限4位。
研討會日期:2022 年 12 月 3 日,星期六
時間:下午 3:00 至下午 6:00

#ptpd #printmakingworkshop #hkfap #鉑金鈀金相片製作工作坊 #platinumpalladiumprints
Leaving brush stroke or not when making Platinum Print is always a personal choice. Most of the artists are preferred leaving the brush stokes around the photo at first. 
By doing this the coating brush add some characteristic to the print. However, some say heavy brush stoke will distract people eyes during the appreciation, and will choose masked out the edge before coating. Recently we have tried an alternative approach when doing coating, make the coating area slightly smaller than the negative. We still can see the brush stroke characteristic with the image, but you have the option to eliminate the bold border.

製作 Platinum Print 時是否留下筆觸始終是個人選擇。 大多數攝影師和藝術家在起初接觸製作鉑金相片時都喜歡首先在照片周圍留下筆觸。
通過這樣做,留下筆觸會為相片添加了一些特性。 不過也有些人說過重筆觸會在欣賞相片過程中分散人們的視線,所以會在手塗感光塗層前選擇遮蔽邊緣。
最近我們在手塗感光塗層時嘗試了另一種方法,使coatig 面積略小於數碼㡳片面積。 我們仍然可以看到圖像的筆觸特徵,但您可以消除重筆觸邊框。你又喜歡那種方式?

#PTPD #alternativephotography #platinumprintmaking #platinumpalladiumprints #hkfap