Our Fine Art Print paper include many brands, such as Awagami, ILFORD, PICTRAN, PICTORICO, EPSON, CANSON et.c. Paper types include Fine Art Baryta, Fine Art Cotton, Japanese Washi, Canvas, ProPhoto paper and more.
We offer many framing styles include the Classic Passe-partout frame, Floater box frame, Perspex Reverse / Face mount, Dibond, Washi wrap and Canvas gallery wrap.
If you are looking for something simple and elegance, the new ILFOCHROME metal print frame might be an excellent choice for you. You can even add the famous ILFORD GALERIE Frame shadow gap style to go with your ILFORCHROME metal print.
Customers’ Testimonials
Rosanne Wong
It’s a beautiful work. Your men were on time, professional and efficient. Thank you.…
Mie Meyer
Very satisfied with your work! You know the right response makes me comfortable and peace.
Alex Grioni
Excellent job! I checked the print last night when I handed it over to the recipient. Good quality. I am very satisfied!
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SpectrArt HK Fine Art Print
A Print Maker and Framer. Professional FineArt Printer in Hong Kong, helps artist to select best media and frames for their art piece

New Platinum/Palladium Print Workshop 如果有一種印相形式能給您帶來真正的藝術感,那麼鉑金/鈀金就是它了。 鉑/鈀相片在 1870 年代中期獲得了專利,並且從未消失。 它提供的圖像外觀柔和、多維,在準確曝光控制下,根據所用紙張特性,您將在最終產品中獲得漂亮的棕色至灰色之獨有色調。 鉑/鈀 (Pt/Pd)相片外觀柔和的原因之一,是感光藥塗層不會像我們在噴墨或其他形式的印刷中發現的那樣位於紙的表面或樹脂塗層中。 由於使用的紙張的纖維結構,因此當多餘的感光材料被沖走時,感光材料塗層會滲入紙基,從而使金屬保持在原位。 這也使 Pt/Pd 相片成為我們今天所知道最持久保留影像的印相技術。...