Order Online – The new ILFOCHROME System for the digital age
Now with just a few simple clicks, you can order ILFORCHROME online.
ILFOCHROME is perfect for colour images that have vibrancy and depth as the finished panel offers superb clarity and impact. The Platinum Super gloss has a very high gloss finish that provides additional vibrancy and colour to the final image. During the production process, the dyes impregnate the unique coating on the photo panel and this results in an image which has excellent longevity and resistant to fade.
Platinum super gloss (metal)
ILFOCHROME Platinum Super Gloss metal photo panels have a unique coating that produce a highly durable photo print.
SpectrArt HKFAP is a fine art print making and framing studio in Hong Kong, we have been working with many artists, photographers, both hobbies and professionals, worldwide, we provided highest quality imaging, printing and framing services from input to output workflows. We understand what extreme high quality means, and our customer’s quality expectation and our passion drive us to deliver the best quality of fine art photo printing on the market.